VIKING V1630FS is a very fast setting, clear air dry, vinyl toluene, vegetable oil, modified insulating
varnish. It is thinned with low solvency thinner and can therefore be used with all types of enameled
magnet wire. It has minimal effect on electrical tapes. V1630FS has good solvent, water and ultra-violet
light resistance. Because it is thermoplastic, it can be soldered without removing the film in printed
circuit and other applications.
Application: VIKING V1630FS can be applied by brush, spray, or by dipping.n
Color Clear
Viscosity, Typical @ 25° C 30-75 cps.
Density @ Typical @ 25°C 6.83 lb./gal. (0.820 gm/cc)
Solids 34-36%
Drying Time 15 minutes @ 78°F (25°C)
Thinner VM & P Naphthanoxssnoxss
Meets Rule #66. Contains less than 1% aromatic
Dielectric Strength: Dry 3300-3400 v/milPer ASTM D115 Wet 2300-2500 v/milBond Strength: on MW35 per ASTM D2519 24.0 lbs. @ 25°C 3.3 lbs. @100°C
Storage Stability – Filled Closed Containers 1 year @ 78°F (25°C)
Dip Tank Stability Compatibility With Wire Enamels and Tapes Good
Solvent Resistance, including fluorocarbons Excellent – if baked 30 minutes
minimum (small units) @ 275°F (135°C). |